Monday, January 26, 2009

Hi all,
I read some basic of business planning and the most important point I drew out of it, is sharing your idea with every one for scrutiny. Well I was waiting for some inputs before I had drawn the cube, but somehow I had to go ahead.

From our last post we know what the cube is made up of and what is inside the cube. Now we have to paint the 6 faces to the cube, distinctively and with a purpose. I try to draw some faces and request to come with more faces as I mentioned the razor sharp edges are also important and there sharpness depend now on the 6 faces chosen from the list.

Face 1 :- I call it the Enter the dragon( hahaha old habits). Yes, it implies direct entry, most of our traffic will be routed through this face. You do not have to have a login from this face it is the direct path. You can get the feel of the portal, you can serach and explore all the stuff here which by contributor has been made visible for all. You cannot upload stuff till you are a login member and can not comment. It is a window kind of tour.

Face 2:- To left of face 1 is the face 2. From here you can login and get to those parts of cube which may have been restricted from face 1. You have to comply with the cubes policy and adhere to the norms. You can have your space and you can upload info, stuff about yourself under the different sub’s like music, dance, comic, etc mentined there. It is left to you how well you can present yourself. We can facilitate.

Face 3:- Yes this is the rich boy entry to the club, sorry cubes. Here you gotcha pay premium for our services. We enhance your presentation and get you a chance to showcase yourself better. We can only promise to do best for you but if you do not have in you, even we can not help.
Face 4:- It is opposite to face 2, hence it is not much different than that here the user are trying to judge fellow among themselves, Cube master moderate from time to time draw rules and it is a battle of its own. If you think you are the best dancer in India, let us judge you here and we get that across. Entry here is easy may be free and sponsored prize. It will be run by the masters and even the cube master be bought here in this face.

Face 5:- It is the window of creativity. It is the collaborative room. Here you can share talent. Write a script/ play online and get it reviewed online. It will be again sponsored. There will be blue, red, green room depending upon the credibility you draw over the room. If you do well may be the next Ghajni you will be writing.

Face 6:- It is owned and run by outside cube master. Here they ask what they want? So we do not have much to say.

Face 7, 8,9:- Ya from IPL franchise to live jam room ideas are abundance to be uploaded. Right now we are trying to refine the cube shape.

Hey guys, edges are next and then we will paint the cube. Haha, ya got it right, Anuj is not realistic man, but I dare to dream, It may not work, may not take off. Who care, I dared to dream and that make me happy!!!!!!!!


shivani said...

wen u are happy others also get the reason to smile hehe

Saurabh Sharma said...

First of all apologies for the sabbatical..some cobwebs in the personal n professional life are making sure that i get no time for myself...continuing on my opinion of avoiding it to become a second you-tube..You-tube has all this..ppl upload whatever talent they feel they have; be it dancing, singing,poetry etc etc..the better/weireder the talent the more clicks they get..Whats the missing is the participation of talent hunters..n i mean the genuine ones..TV channels..Dance groups..The problem here is to convince these TV channel folks to accept entries thru some independent portals..even you-tube wont convince them to look for singers by searching for "good singers in India" on their website..So what would attract them..We need to figure this out...singers collabarting and competing amongst themselves..Dancers amongst themselves on a portal..discussing the dance moves or the ragas, Discussing their teacher/mentors n gurus..better ones guiding the budding rock-stars can itself be attractive..Put in the sponsorship from music academies/theatre groups/Dance institutes on the look-out for talent/new students may bring in some sponsorship..n then let the TV channels come sniffing in once the concept is a hit..Jst an alternative thought..We need a lot more of this arguments and counter-arguments..

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