Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Autumn, winter, summer, rain,baerbel_green_valley

Close to the heels of the White Mountain,

There was a valley that was always green,

Happiness grazed all day, peace slept all night,

Blue streams went down, swift air went across,

It was thy world, tiny and stunning,

For ages hunters come and go,

Catching glimpses of perfect world,

Never took a prize off, promised to be back again,

Men come and go, ages turned into memories,

Close to the heels of the White Mountain,

There was a valley that was always green,

It happened to be then that one day,

When some doctored order to test the life and species there,

He found some imbalance to his maths,

Flocks of few entered, kept on finding new things,

By the end of that day, world knew there is a valley,

SOON it was the next day, valley failed to exist,

Doctor and flocks of few looked again for this,

They took days, turning them into years,

One day they all left, finding there was no valley so green,

One day to next, someone saw it again,

Close to the heels of the White Mountain,

There was a valley that was always green.


Post 99 dedicated to something I follow “ Plz do not disturb, else I fail to exist”



west said...

sometime i feel i have cooked well, need someone to taste it,,,,

after sometime, it is your passion that takes over, even your dog eat that food as he eat it always with no barks of aprehension, you are happy, it was a food that a dog too swallowed, Human too can have it!!

Panthaism chapter 9 para 17

Saurabh Sharma said...

This is beautiful..A never-land..Some place of ultimate bliss that exists..Probably inside every one of us....Just that we are too busy looking it for everyplace else..For me a good book-a cup of tea-and a cool breeze is my valley of joy, an absolute heaven..Thats all i need to be happy :)

west said...

you are always welcomed to be there....

but point is when youu are in the world you like..

do not disturb...

Deepak said...

You guys are really pointing towrards the real essance of life...but only the lucky ones have guts...i must say destiny or operate from that center..but it exist between total disturbance and don't disturb...situation..mean you are happy with both situations..thats what i think..but for me a long walk..really long walk is real pleasure..and thats all i need to be happy as saurabh said..

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