Monday, March 23, 2009

I end up reading some one’s blog, I do not knew how to react to it, some how I found it very materialistic but at the other end it to be a true picture of him. May be I judge him or his blog wrong.

Anyhow today post is about something else, it is about things on which you have become dependent. Well there is another word too i.e addiction but that is of little higher order. Well as master always taught me , best way to explain your mind to other is give some examples. So let me put an example here which i thought about.

When you were 13 – 14 year old, most of you had your first desire to have a gf. Some curbed it , some went ahead. But there was a life without woman in life. Suddenly you are old like 25 or 27, woman become necessity of life, either as a soul mate or what i say a mate.

Same thing applies for mobile phones, when they were not there, business were run with same efficiency and people reached all those appointment on time. But now you are used to it, can not live without it for sure. Is it human evolution or degradation I am too naive to make even a comment, but this can be dependable.

I think example list here will keep on rolling, you got dependent on bus first, made some money got dependent on bike, made some more money got dependent on car. One day you got fired, money is no more there, you start calling it recession, now you can not live in the same condition in which you spent your best part of life, when you were untouched by many dependencies.

I would love to mention here the movie Wall- E , this really put in forefront the human degradation to forefront. We will have interactive TV in future of highest order, if you not like Amir in Gajini, you can replace him with Sharukh. People who had seen ram leela will be people who will be extinct by than, I think they are already.

I do not know what this post evoke here or what it wants' to get out on his forum. But I can say, even addicts should not be hated, they just take dependency to higher order. Whoever had an experience of any better substance will tell you, life is something else after hallucination. Why we hate those guys who make a decision to enjoy there life by destroying themselves. Was Dev D and old Devdas, really sad and mad for a chick. They were addicted to pain and alcohol, so what better excuse than her.

I leave you here with one question, someone take away all you dependency for a month, what will you do? 

Roger Captain O Captain….



west said...

I write this blog with 7 stiches in my finger.....!!!

haha..guys show some passion here plz..

Saurabh Sharma said...

Man kudos to ur passion and lemme put it this way its great being attached to something..loving something and going all out for u love this blog n post with seven stitches in ur hand..this is what life is all about..Love, passion, desire to get all of it, the courage to give it all away..

west said...

we driven by passion...

and for sure not the bike....but the motor inside us

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