Sunday, December 6, 2009

It is Sunday morning, I had so many thoughts eclipsing my mind, which I am left with a conflict what I should pen down.

Clemency, this word echoed to me in my dream. Why my unconscious wants me to remind of this word? I want to confess of certain type of psychic power I have felt, but the diminished nature of them, has prevented me to claim, I posses one. I feel the future, but still not able to map and remember when it is going to happen. The incident happens, than it hits me, I had already lived this thing.

Coming back to Clemency, this word will now have a strange relation with me. I do not remember things around it, so it is up to me to create a web of real and unreal around it.

I be in those strange situations, where I forgot myself,

I be in those unpleasant miseries, where I do not remember myself,

Curse of mind, wretchedness of being human, it do happen to me,

I ask for mercy, compassion and forgiveness from all those whom all love me,

I cannot help myself I am lost for few of those moments,

It is not in my nature to be like this, but I have no bearing to be what I am then,

I am no werewolf to be precise, but I am like that only,

I do wonder, if you all are like me, as I see you breathe and crawl like me,

Confess, to you all, I have bliss of being the real me, for fractions when I am not with you all!

I do enjoy this too, embrace me for what I am, it is not in my control to be what I am and what I am liked to be!