Thursday, November 27, 2008

Anuj has touched upon a very sacro-sanct topic "WORK"...Much less discussed and talked about than topics like movies, Soaps, Se* , n worse marriage...of-late a considerable part of my thought process has been devoted to work only...I have come-up with certain theories on the same and i want to share those..u all must share yours...Work ideally is doing what you know only you can do, that one thing that you know u are better at than all the mere mortals around..that one thing which makes you feel that all the daily toil and grind is worth it...How many of us are lucky enough to get that kind of work??...More importantly how many of us know what we were born to do??...It somehow feels that howard roark was never born and God help him if he was into IT ..Dont know how many of his kind came n died unsung in this field...
Now the other and more important part...for all those who are in profiles which they think is not worthy of them (me included ??) ..Quit !!...make way for somebody who can really do justice to ur profile...Go ahead and open the doors for him..but then we all have to survive and settle down(whatever that means)...I advocate a "Sell yourself Completely " principle....that means that if your job gives u a feel that u r "selling" urself ...coz u really dont like doing it and u cant quit because you dont have a better option.. then kindly "sell urself completely" because there is no bigger sin than to be unproductive at work...there is no place for half-hearted attempts in this world..Give ur 100 % and dont crib..Who knows whats in store in the coming times...Give ur best shot and forget (remember hakuna matata) but have it in back of your mind that u can do better things then those which u r currently doing...I havent come across a greater degree of joy than the one derived from being appreciated at work...It makes all the painful toil n sweat
, even when its for a job u dont really like, worth it...Go ahead n do Justice to ur profiles...Happy working :)


west said...

I am feeling now things are rolling....

i love the way you put it all across,I lost a way while wrighting,but i found you kept the straight on approach.

I agree with you,on all accounts!!

Happy blogging.....

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