Friday, November 28, 2008

My sunshine is away
I had clouds but no rays
I do not know when she will be back
But I know she left me for a reason
The reason being love
She cannot see me die young
She comes to know about my liking for darkness
She can’t see me cry
She come to know about my origin
My sunshine is away
Must now have been few days
But somehow I know
Even she is away,still she is loving me the old way
I am not going to woo her back
Not coz I don’t love her
But I can’t make up for her for these lost days
She is still away,far away
I want my sunshine back
No more clouds,only rays.


shivani said...
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Anonymous said...

........dat is really very sweet n touchy but only if one can understand da deep meaning in it..isnt it??

da Player said...

brilliant man but who is dis sunshine gurl


hmmm.... nice thoughts ...u spoke about a wednesday but dont you think its your and mine job to be vigilent .we talk about us as a country of united ones but do we stand united ever....i doubt. this is our time and our chance to do something patriotism isn't a thing only for wars ..its a feeling everyone shud wake up with. help our system dont blame it be a part of it its not cancer its "us".....lets stand together and come up like one...not for a business plan but a plan to live fuly and lively...Jai hind

west said...

Bro thats what we are looking for a debate..

waht we can do!!!

and for what we can stand for!!

Its our nation!!

and we trhe hero!!

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