Saturday, December 13, 2008

As soon as forever is through, I'll be over you...
but is this a fact or may be m just lyin to me and u
cz as soon as forever is thru, may be the world will not be so blue
may be ur thoughts wont haunt me nemo, and i will certainly not bug u...
is dis a dream sometimes i wonder, as i sit here drenched in the thunder
when forever is thru , wonder if ill get rid of this pain deep down under...
cz u are like none b4 and none to be made ever again, so how can this be true???
may be ill never be able to get over u, even if forever is thru...

urnt something to be forgotten...
as i sit here and rot...nd cherish every sight of urs dat ive ever got...
cz when forever is true, will truth not be true,
will there be no happiness or pain in this world, wont there be shades of black and blue???
even the thought of gettin over you... is like cutting open my heart without a drop of blood dat too...
all i ever dreamt is dat there be just me and u
cz u make my world go around without makin ne effort too
i can live off ur smile, lost into ur big black eyes
when i look up into the sky, tears roll down my eyes...
cz i kno dis is how far i am from u oh my angel sittin up above so high...
when forever is thru wont the land and the sky remain too???
all i know is my love for u is true...

when forever is thru, may be truth will not be true...
i may not be here so may not be you...
but my love for u will stay, lightin up the stars again...
creating a whole new world... with me and u
and may be this time, i may not need to get ova u...
cz when forever is thru... i ll be reborn again for u my princess
with the sole purpose of loving you.......................


west said...

Strong words true emotions.

One love one life.

Will love to read you more, da player here!!

shivani said...

o wow its too romantic..........

da Player said...

well i guess tis what i feel rite now :)

Saurabh Sharma said...

My Oh My...Brilliant veera..see the wonders a clean-heart and whisky can create.. :)..But seriously brother time to move is hardly one person..or is it..?

da Player said...

this one was created with the help o good ol ol monk

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Old Monk rules!!!!!! kya kya likhavati hai yeh ..... Very well written bro .....

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