Monday, December 22, 2008

Just finished reading Aravind Adiga'a booker winning novel "The White Tiger..It Was a huge respite after going through jeffery archer's bland story telling in "As the crow flies"...Its a journey of a man called Balram from an obscure indian village, "Darkness" as it is referred to in the novel, to the land of light, to the city life where he makes it big as an enterpreneur after he slit's his masters throat and steals his money...He proves to be a White Tiger...The story vividly describes the indian socio-political system, mocks at our social fabric, our democracy, magnifies our crumbling family system, our rottening virtues, the long lost innocence in children. I nodded all along the novel as the story unfolds and tears apart the great indian hypocrisy of "India Shining"...

But giving it a second thought, I thought the book itself epitomised all the evils it talks about..The book now looked like a cheap attempt at putting all that is bad in india and packaging it with an eye at winning the man booker prize, Well aware that jury that sits out of england has displayed in past its fondness and taste for indian poverty, bribery and Socio-political system..This somewhere pricked the Indian in me..and mind u am no great patriot myself...Just that i couldnt see someone packaging indian poverty and selling it to the west , the way average indian's blood came to boil when he saw Maharashtra CM taking celibrities for Terror Tour of Taj, My blood came to boil as i felt that the author has attempted to take the West to a tour of all the filth and scum of India in return for the booker prize...
Infact its not the Balram of the novel but the author himself who deserves to be called the White Tiger because he has Slit open his nation's throat before the world and transcended from the "Darkness" to the "Light"...Kudos for that !! But no thanks I will stick to the belief that there is more good than bad in this nation..India is certainly not defined and limited by Aravind Adiga's imagination..

P.S. When you become little too well Aware of your disqualities you contract an incurable disease called "No-Self-Respect"...and this epidemic of lack of self respect as a nation ,as individuals needs some urgent introspection

Yours not so faithfully,
Faceless Indian !!


west said...

White tiger was eagerly awaited!
I like the sincerity,while reviewing this book...

White tiger who is he?is it a rare thing.

I would also like to acknowledge the fact from the review,how New York,london leaving people are able to write about poor India,it jus 2 year of break for them to understand it all...

i found all these Indian author as jugglers to make there master happy..

They can never be near a Munshi Prem Chand(thou he wrote in hindi)or Mulk Raj Anand.

Booker for Indian's is not a big deal,its not a WHITE TIGER after all,we are getting it after 2 or 3 year...

MAy be Pultizer prize or nobel in Literature.....for these commercial Indian writers who mocks India.

i havnt read id but this review is strong testimony about how people are painting Our India to just win something or i say now anythng

shivani said...

... i agree......... well said...

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