Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hi guys!!

Have you read or heard the Indian frog story, when few Indian frogs got trapped in a well and there Jap compatriot got trapped in other well. Indian frogs keep puling each other back eventually none was able to come out. While the Japs as they always have been worked on the problem and worked together to pull each other out. The moral of the story told to us was that Indians frogs do not know to work in team.

Guys, that was half of the story told to us .Indian frogs has wisdom, they were not pulling each other down coz they were scared of getting under one’s shoe. Ok, you not buying my story, I come back to some serious stuff.

I had the privilege of coining this phrase “Frogs under your shoe” now does it mean I have to explain it to you. Haha, what will do if you know a frog is going to come under your shoe? Limp, jump, Shout, faint reaction list is long. And guess what if you end up crushing it, you will barf or die in guilt. See it is such a big question and you now are imagining how it is to crush or just on verge of crushing a frog. Have you tried to know the feeling of the frog? How it feels to be crushed or just fear of getting crushed? To do it more, think to be a frog for a minute and see big foots being placed all around you. I know you will not run , not try to hide, you will just sit like a dead duck thinking when it will be time over. Hop hop hop , that you do , but today you can’t.
Enough of being a frog and enough crushing of frogs under yours shoes.

I will not write more about it here, it is little deep and I acknowledge it is abstract. I would leave to my readers to figure it out. ( Hahaha I hope I had any ).


west said...


first 50 or so post i wrote for others to impress get an ack.

Now what i am writting is coz somewhere I love to write ( as I said never stop loving somethings that keep you alive).

Watch out frog under you shoe, next time you go out.

shivani said...


Saurabh Sharma said...

A shair from my side that sums this post:

" Rakh kadam foonk-foonk kar nadaan";
"Zarre-Zarre mein Jaan hai pyaare"..(keep ur foot wid care on ground..God has put life into every speck hez created"

Taken from a beautiful ghazal "Ishq ki dastaan hai pyaare..Apni apni Zubaan hai pyaare"

west said...


i am overwhelemed by your love for poetry....

i am really thniking to be back and start listening and reading some good poets...

well said...unparellel

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