Saturday, February 7, 2009

This is going to be the last post of this series. It would have been nice if it would have stretched but it will have the same fate as most of fancy story has. It never went off, but I can personally acknowledge that I had thought about a money spinner but was not able to move ahead due to reason not even known to me.

Let me summarize it in few sentences:-

1) There can be a talent portal which can work in an independent fashion. Building it up will require, putting effort to create two new stakes.

a) The talent, the seekers, the potential user who will come to the portal to share thy skills, there selling point for which there is no taker in an unorganized and ruthless world where u are at the mercy of contacts and spineless search and struggle.

b) The hunters, the people who are in short of resources and are dependent on the few they have in hand. It will give them to hire the best and hire them at a price that does not hurt them. From sound recorder to editor to story writer to musician to any thing you can imagine for.

2) We had a dream to make it a window to the not so captured world. We wanted to be the facilitator to all those who have never got a chance to organize.

3) Challenges here are immense in from roping in the hunters to making it a hot property, but you do not know how hot the fires till you start it.

4) No idea is great or good till it is executed. This part where we end up lacking and were not able to scrutinize the whole idea. This one of the sole criteria for us to give it up further hand banging.

Thanks a lot for all your support and reading us.
I acknowledge it to you with all my sincerity.
I will still be rolling but now more on social, peace and humanity front.



shivani said...

quiet interesting......................... execution is wat needs to be done............

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