Sunday, July 12, 2009

I had a strange dream, yesterday night. I found myself confounded in a high security jail. May be the reason for that was I kept on Thursday afternoon about the Public Enemies, bank robbers who terrorized US in early 30’s. Well in my dream I had masterminded an escape, even I would not have imagined in day light. Shawshank Redemption coming into the dream theatre of mine. The worst part today is I am not able to recollect the dream I had.

Creation of a Mind is too strong to be put into oblivion

Refer to the notes of mind to collect the best of imagination!!!

Nothing poetic today folks. I just wanted to visit my beloved blog on a rainy Sunday….And hey for sure watch Jonny Deep starrer .


Deepak said...

I think by writing blog u r already in the process of masterminding the revolt against day to day we are not satisfied..that is one..or we are continously writing our experiences about and sweet and sour realities we face in daily..sour we want to write to change that..sweet we want to share our joy so that world is even more sweeter than it already is..!!!!
Pulbic doesn't matter in this..ofcousre we are the part of public and this world but in everything we are at the center even we are living nobody should be interfering in the way of our thinking...and that is the only freedom we either it may be hitler or gandhi or any missah..

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