Thursday, February 12, 2009

Love is not about making perfect choices; it is about making right choices.

What is happiness? Whoever answers this is not happy, he is searching for one.

You live once, I do remember you or not after you die, will it matter to you? If yes, you are a crazy.

If people cry after you have died, you have not done badly, if people laugh after you have died, you have done really well.

The most dangerous woman is the one, who knows she is a woman.

Try making faces to a mirror, if it does not imitates you, something is fake, either you or the mirror.


west said...

sorry for grammer mismatch

Saurabh Sharma said...

These all are brilliant..especially the second last..reminds me of old pune days and our rum sessions...what good days...

west said...


ya the second last one will be my tribute to the only jat i have known...

playboy playmate...punjabi kisna..

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