1 comments Sunday, April 10, 2011

I stopped writing a long time back, but somewhere I was missing the feeling to express and be me. These days I hear a lot about activism of sort in Indian context and I am as always the hardest to be convinced by the facts rendered by the virtuoso.
For a moment I had started believing, I am a kind of poet or a something near to that. Well when I read my stuff, I do not connect at all. Music and poetry are like a soaked resin in sugar.  Its sweeter than anything and these days I had forgotten this flavor.
Writing something today, to convince I still has that bit of gutso left in me….
Dedicated to Metal…
How can I be the unstoppable, when I really never took off?
How can I be the inevitable, when I really never played the game?
Learning one by one,
Learning step by step,
I am not at odds, how good I make it sound,
I am not at large, how well I make it pretend,
Let me turn around and do it all over again,
Stop run, run stop, stop run………………………………..

0 comments Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hi Folks!!

I am reviving WAO again.

This time around, it will be a solo effort. I learned something in the last few days, there is something called destiny which governs you and there is something more attached to it, which we call your will.

If you rule both of them, you will have a great time, if you cannot, then anybody guess how your life will shape up.

I will try to post on regular basis, this time around it will be the revival of the philosophy of lost.



1 comments Friday, August 6, 2010

What's a COCOON friend?  That's a term u can use for a friend of friend who is not friend of yours, but now he/she is a friend of yours coz he/she is friend of your friend, and now this friend will actually tell u tell you that your friend is a friend of his and u can also be his friend..... hate them or love them, but u cannot ignore them, that's why they are called friends....

1 comments Wednesday, July 28, 2010

If you read aloud, people will surely hear you!! But I am damn sure they will not listen to you!! and for a change Stop reading abruptly.... then people will come and ask you why so!!!

Being important and getting noticed is a fade..

0 comments Thursday, July 22, 2010

What does a fisherman do when he gets trapped in a storm and he knows he wont make it back.

Does he cry at pouring heavens or does he laugh at the sea....

Does he try to catch the most prized fish in last attempt or set free what all he has caught...

Been to sea, on all fine weathers!!! Now i found myself in middle of sea with one last message to sent across!!        

It can rain on you any given day, it can bolt on you any given season!!


1 comments Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What happens if a sparrow that has been caged for her entire life is set free, she is left in a state of confusion what to do and what not to do... and this means the lucky cat who has been waiting all her lifeto eat her, has her wish come true...........

So what is the moral behind this,,,,,,,,,, it is better to be caged than eaten up.. and for cat it is always good to dream the impossible..


0 comments Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How many pebbles I threw in the pond today?

How many stars I counted in the sky tonight?

How to spend my day and night I keep asking my me.

How I am in loop of uncertainty confused and dazed.

How to see future, when I live in past, question my present?

How Pebble hit, star stuck, I am for my me.

How Pond with no water and clear sky make me crazy.

How I can do few more things than this for change.

How I Eat all day, sleep all night.

How How How How How!!!!

I am finding difficult to write after this long break… setting up my rhythm. This is a blank wide a code…..