It has been long time and I had not talked about Chika, my best pal. Now he is a doctor and as a part of his contract he is working in a remote Indian village. The village has DTH, telephone line, a dispensary, I think even a small time police post but still it is remote on paper.
Chika with all the comforts of a city still feel he is trapped in a remote junction. Poor boy called me up and even convinced me that he is in a remote world. I asked him what worries you man, is it the poor or the illiterate or the goons that all I expected in my answer. He said no.
He asked me to watch some old Indian village oriented films and then to discuss this. I went back and refilled my knowledge of India with Kisna, lagan and Swades. Poor chaps but that was also not the remote India. I updated chika with my findings. Chika was not impressed and asked me you need to check the movies like do beega jameen, prem rog and some more movies that touched the issues.
I had not watched these movies and even if I had, that would not have helped me, I do not get more out of movie other than the last song. I asked Chika, do not waste my time, talk straight I already end up watching lagan for the 3rd time coz of him.
Have you ever hated a man coz he is not of your caste. I said absolutely not. Have you seen the lust in your eyes for all helpless women? Nope, woman being helpless is like Tyson being a beautician. Have you ever been treated like not being offered water coz u eat with a person of other religion. May be yes, but I was offered Coke in its place. Have you ever discriminated any one for not being from your part of country? I have to think F Naga was an exception, even Nagaland had no place for him.
Chika as you all know is cuil as a cucumber but today he lost his peace and banged his receiver. May be he got pissed I did not watched the movies he was talking about. Any way I will buy him a nice lunch next weekend when I go home.
Wait – This did not end up like this, I though what my best frenzo was going through and in the lunch session we did concluded my swades is still remote. No DTH no literacy campaign no roads can bring that rays of enlightenment.
Buddha bhalle Kare !!!