1 comments Sunday, November 29, 2009

I am been thinking to go ahead with writing my second short story. I am not able to get into a groove that drives me literally.You cannot beat Time. It always Win. I have run against anything but time. A flinch of eye and it beats you. I am trying to have a rematch with time, but it is hard to capture now. So once time defeats you, I say it is rare you catch it.

What make you think it can happen and what make you think it cannot happen!!

Thinking is perception, thinking is examination, and thinking is feeling,

It can be deceptive, it can be allusive, it can be superlative, and it can be speculative,

How can it be any different than what it was the last day!

It is swift, it is porous, it is amorphous, and it has any many natures as many you and me!!

Nothing is for true and nothing is false, even if happen in real,

I and you think once before and once after, to make me and you believe how it happened!

Confused, I feel good, if that is the case!

Enlightened, I feel good again,

How am able to think how you will think about it!!

Get this thing right, no thinking is the best thinking!!

1 comments Sunday, November 22, 2009

Coming back to WAO, I Had to confess that I still suffer from mood swing that has resulted in long hiatus from the canvas.
Congrats to the WAO , for competing one year of existence. A part of it may be in publication, target date being somewhere in 2011.

Part Dizzy and part derailed
That's how it has been for last few days

I had been running my head at full load
It thinks, it layers up,

Part hazy and part confused
That’s how it has been for last few days

I had been working my heart at full throttle
It feels, It alludes me,

Part misty and part obscure
That's how it has been for last few days..........

2 comments Thursday, November 19, 2009

"I see odds,coz i rebel, i see evens, coz i surrender" ..

We love alternatives. We love alternative meanings to words.
The above line which is a sort of extended tagline to "world at odds" could have various explanations - but all i would do is give my interpretation of a benign kind.

Firstly, this can be one of the best lines in a cultish song. You don't need a different pair of eyes to see odd in all the evenities of the world. You just need to see things differently. You are taught to "have a perspective". whatever happened to your perspective? Voice your opinion and you would be a rebel. Voice your choice and you would automatically find an alternative solution.Rebel doesn't have a negative tone to itself, always. Its your mind that makes the notion negative. What's right for me , could be wrong for you, and vice versa.

and its true that taking the easy path and surrendering to pre-conceived ideas always leads to a non-bumpy road. But where is the fun in that? where is the adventure?

do the odd not because you want to do it or because you have the choice to do it, but do it because it can be done differently and the world secretly is always looking for alternative. be the alternative messiah.

and i say....

the lane that took so long
the lane that carried on
a bumpy ride , i took my side
and in my mind i will always dwell
I see odds,coz i rebel
i see evens, coz i surrender...

--- Rockshu

2 comments Sunday, November 1, 2009

Looking into the wilderness from the shadows of oblivion!!
Speaking into the ears of vanished from the dusk of forgetfulness!!

Well friends I am talking about two things over here, wild and unconsciousness. This forms a deadly mixture and for long adventurers has gone across the land in search of two at one place.
The unconscious mind is so powerful that it can take you to any place, but for a second imagine you are in wild and then yours unconscious took you to a place that is incomprehensible by words.

Last I have been to such a place was back in 2006, It was a transition that was incomplete. Cautions avoid any such journeys as it can harm you adversely. If you ever set into transition complete the whole process. Mind is as weak as strong it appears to be, smallest of bugs can ruin the holiness of this place.

I always felt Buddha was a rocker in the real spirit; he did go beyond the easily comprehendible. I think the biggest of his acclaim will be sitting under a tree and conquering the mind. I cannot travel 20 min in a bus without thinking about music, job, solitude, food and anything that’s forming part of daily life…..

If I have to define wild, as a gore term, it is something like running naked in a crowded bazaar or shouting from you balcony in the darkest hour of the night, let know everybody you rule. Somehow I think wild is a place of freedom, it can never be a place for a civilized world. Now the other word, I wrote in the title of this post is unconsciousness. How to awake your unconscious state of mind? The more you inhibit yourself from acclaiming the real you, the more is the pull into the state of unconsciousness. Few times you travel and be back to your normal self, without even realizing what has happened in all that while?

Talking about Buddha, may be sounding absurd, but I always felt he was able to understand a part of wild and unconsciousness, before he would have explained, people have comprehended a lot out of his posture and state of mind.

If I tell you about a guy who was in wild for years and lived around a tree meditating, you will always be at awe of that person how he did it? Well that person did it coz, he had understood the meaning of wild and conquered his unconsciousness and neglected the conscious. Buddha left his wife and children to pursue his quest. He never set up an ideal example of a civilized person. He has to be in the wild and look beyond the mirror of life.

I was thinking, which person had come nearest to Buddha in understanding the wild and unconscious; it can be none other than Mr. Gandhi. I have seen the elements of wild in him, when I read about him leading clueless people in trying situation. His unconsciousness was so powerful, that it drove a nation to a slow and uncomplaining route to freedom. Does he ever let know a nation he was driven by a wild and an unconscious factor.

Talking about life in general, I feel you all need to experiment with your unconscious and the wild side. It is easy said than done. But for that simplest of thing to be done is question. Question your own existence? Question the existence of things around you? Question everything you do and are made to be done? In the last or in the front, be a non conformist for a while to what all is there.

This may also let you know the wild and the unconscious state of a human being?