I am thinking, what I shall write on the eve of my return to WAO. I have been keeping away from WAO now for a long time.
I think I can start by writing about the tricky world of humans.
Yes, I am a human like you, but I do not want to be one. I have understood the human characteristics to the finest of details which perturb me a lot.
Humans are greedy but also kind and caring.
Humans are cruel but also loving and compassionate.
That’s what animals also do? I would have written a running commentary to justify the underlying philosophy of human to be self centric and egoist. But that will be speaking on behalf of Ayn.
Coming back to the topic of being human. I have seen learned men debating about how human should act, how should they behave, what is morally right and wrong, but no one is interested to tell human is a defected piece in itself.
Human is something which the Professor tells to be a cube, but in appearance it looks like a cone and it theory it is a solid ball.
Some time I also get convinced by the theory of it being controlled by the extra terrestrial. Even if you keep 2 boys in a confinement from birth, expose them to same kind of knowledge and light, they end up being two different people. I have been highly influenced by the character of Ravana from Indian mythology. He was a learned Brahmin, revered across the land for his virtues and then one day in rage he ruined it all. I am sure that person knew in heart that it is not right but some good old factors made him do things, which have been proven wrong by most of the learned man.
Anyhow I have been the right kind of human on most occasions for last few years, the reason being I get tensed and feel nerves if I do not do things right.
I will keep rolling on more about the technology of humans…..take this to be a kick start….