Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I hope you remember the HARI SADU ad of naukri.com. Yes the one where one insults his boss when he has found a new job. May be he was lucky got a chance to take out his frustration are you so lucky. Not really something stops you to give it back. There is boiling anger inside you for lots of things from wife to job to peers but somehow you cannot get it out. Your wife nags, your boss shouts and peers back stab, your life is doomed. I tell you a nice therapy; yes it helps to unleash the black forces which you are suppressing. Welcome to insult club, it is like the FIGHT CLUB, yes you are given a chance to get at your opponent and be what you can never be coz of your social honors. Nothing physical here it is a place of verbal abuse, shout scream but no touching to the other person.

Well friends you are right I am up to something this time. There are few Insult clubs running across the world and they are doing very well. I was more convinced about the need of its existence in a bigger way when I say Indian youngster queuing up in huge number for ROADIES audition. Mr. Raghu insults them, some cry some fakes but all in all they are being judged on the degree of insult taken. Raghu open challenges to you mate any day and offline comment real roadies don’t care for such childish affairs; they ride on their bike to sunset.

Coming up to how an insult club works and does it hold a commercial implication or not. I deal it one on one. Insult club is not a physical entity. It’s amorphous in nature and got some fine rules. You don’t talk about Insult Club. You are silently part of it. You can have insult bouts arranged with any person across the club. Rule 2, you don’t enquire about the personnel details of the person with whom you have a bout. You can hurl any type of insult from personnel, family, appearance to voice, without having any grudges against you opponent. Rule 3, in no case you get physical even if your opponent claims to be your dad. Rule 4, all decision of MASTERS (level 3 insult patron) in any bout will be final.

You must be asking what the needs to join a club where you hurl insults or get insulted. I tell you one day coming back to home you had a fight with rickshawala but somehow you hold your anger back. The whole thing is eating you and you have become little prickly. Time to log on to insult club and take your frustration out. Keep you day to day life normal. Do not let the anger or frustration affect you life, you had an insult club membership.

Commercially it has lots of scope; people can have different communities inside the club. There can be people who want to be face to face to some online tussles. People can have rankings too and move up the ladder. Insult Club weekend where random bouts can also be arranged. People who are not able to hurl insult can be given special sessions. Role play insult session for those who are really bad at it. I do not think people will mind if they are charged for such premium service. Who gives you a chance in real life to scream or shout at them? May be you can have more positive energy at work and home while you take out most of negative energy at the club.

Ok, Bhai log I know you not buying into my idea but I would have founded one such club over the weekend if I was not working. But hey this post will remain a testimonial I was the first man to think of making it a profitable venture and spin money from insult. Vesse right now customer care executive are the simplest target of hurled abused. They will be the first to take our cause and help in getting loads of member into such clubs.

I will be clubbing it into fiction. I am convinced it will work; now it’s up to you guys to vote.


shivani said...

nice idea......... good way of making money.... hmmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Different i Must say...practical ?? needs some more thought..Indians are the least tolerant of most races.so no point telling them not to get physical...they wld get physical..So this club can exist only on the virtual-web world..their also moment it comes to religion ppl will spit venom..Cant imagine an insult bout b/w a hindu n a muslim to be anything else but religion..So needs some caution..one refinement which cld make positive in a way can be that we present ppl the virtual bodies/profiles to hurl abuses at..can be the politician they hate most..an old enemy..unfaithful guy/girl...Bad boss..bad teacher..bad job..A clerk who turned them down in the morning..."Come all lets bash all", this cld be the title..Let ppl scream online..the ones who scream with highest decibel levels will be rewarded and put to the next round of abusing and screaming at.. :) ..good bad i dont knw..jst put-in some random thoughts that first struck me..

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