Sunday, February 1, 2009

Many things you can do if you listen to your heart. The word practicality is a refuge of a modern urban man to ignore or better I say suppress his heart. I am the biggest fan of Jonathan Livingstone Seagull, the only Seagull who can fly. You may or may not win, but when you look at your life at the end of dawn, you can have a smile. Most of the time, we in the name of responsibility and sometime taboos end up living a life that was like our fathers or forefathers.

Not listening to your heart may result in loss of decisiveness. One moment you follow your heart and next moment you are caught in the web of world. How Dhirubhai made an Empire, yes he followed his heart and most important of all he knew the Indian psychology. People have ended up shaping this world coz they have followed their heart. Some were ruled by destiny and some dictated destiny. If you ever come across CHE and his story he was a rebel, who had a cause till he followed his heart. I think even he lost the plot somewhere when he followed the voice of outer world than his heart.

I try best to listen to my heart and to some extent and in something I am able to hold good. I may not take big decision but I will live the way my heart is rather than this world is. In my worlds it is like saying I do not like pop music or the filmy music coz it is made for someone , but I like any composition that is made from heart, even if world do not pick it up.

Playing the game according to the rule to is necessity, but somewhere do have a heart and listen to it. I am not able to rite much in this post coz my ideas can be somewhat and foremost for me only.


shivani said...

I do not like pop music or the filmy music coz it is made for someone , but I like any composition that is made from heart, even if world do not pick it up.....................................................................................


Saurabh Sharma said...

ur ideas arent for sure for urself...we voice the same...

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