I have never been a keen observer of insects and thy lives, but when you talk about ants and bees in particular, you all like me end up knowing some facts.
Both of them are hard working, know how to make and govern colonies. The most interesting thing is that they have a hierarchy in order. So they are more like us, I better state they are like a socialist regime. You all are equal in front of the mother bee, you just end up being assigned to some particular work depending upon thy origin.
I saw a movie on bees, forgot the name of the movie, but there bee went on strike against human race and took all thy honey back. Can you guess what was the after effects. Bees have honey in abundance, they stopped working and ultimately end up disturbing the whole ecological balance. Poor pollination resulted in poor spring and it effected everyone from Yogi the bear to Yankee the bird.
That clarifies the important aspect in the life of bee, it need to work. It has to work and this is the only thing it knew.
Talking about bee life and not comparing it to our lives will surely leave this blog incomplete. I do and do not find any resemblance. we do work in a social order and do follow some rules, but aint we ask lots of question also. We got a political system, a democratic alignment, we keep on evolving a lot. Bee for year has been just a colonial cousin of ants.
Even ants laugh at bees, the poor fellow works hard and make all that honey, to be finally robbed by us. Ants had some other model, where she collects and save the food, which till date we human have not found a way to exploit.
I am closing this blog, telling you better live you life as a cricket or a caterpillar from all those story than being a bee in today's time. You will just end up breaking your back, but no one will recognize you which bee you were.The reason being simple all bees look alike and thy bosses are there by birth not by work.
Enf of mah left right talk….keep reading anf posting…….
garg saab....body is missing....
Garg saab..ki gal..where is the body? anuj bhai great effort..
garg saab..the name of the movie was "Bee Movie"
damn beautiful movie...
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