Tuesday, April 7, 2009

cartoon%20cat%20sparrow Two sparrows asked the cat I had,

What’s your freedom?

My cat pawed one of the sparrow and ate it,

That’s my freedom,

My master cannot stop from being what I am,

The other sparrow flew to me and asked,

Why so much of freedom?

I liked the yellow colored birdy,

I caged her to be adored by me and my cat,

Sparrow gives us a freedom speech,

Why you took my freedom?

I gave her green chilly and asked her to be smart like a parrot,

5 more day she asked,

Why you took my freedom?

6th day she was a singing canary,

All she knew, her master gives her freedom to sing!!


west said...

i was thinking to write something reaaly heavy here...

but end up writing this...it is really cuil, as far as i am confirmed....

ya hard to digest in meaning...but that's how u cook it...

Deepak said...

u r right...just with one reading..i'm not able to really digest it...lot of chewing is requried...before finally realize something..its link hard nuts..which are difficult of crack..but finally worth the hard work...

west said...

thanks garg saab...

best thing i invited you here at world at odds...

u r the passion...

that was missing in here..

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