Heard about this ever before, I got the concept of this a day ago, what it means to have a life that is Egg shit.
When you show confident to the world, that things are going fine for you but somewhere you are restless and agitated, you heard the word Egg shit whispered by someone in your ear. It is something you do not see, but it is there and you smell it every day.
There is another connotation of this word, it is used to refer to people who are the nuisance of one of its kind, you regret knowing them, you apologies to the almighty that you cursed him/her, but cannot help. Egg shit is all around you. Egg shit is very pungent in nature. You will not see it on first day, but for sure smell it, from the very day.
Say thanks to me, I had a new word for you guys to describe life and people, may be you start using it in better way. You will have an Egg shit boss, an Egg shit fight, and an Egg shit argument….
The list goes on, it is neither a noun, nor an adjective...It is an Egg shit.
A grand prize to all those who post the picture of egg shit to me, may be a day stay at a poultry farm..!!!
it is for you you you you and you.....
haha kidding boyz....
Start listening to Thin Lazy!!!
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