If you have read or heard about Blink, you must have known this line “ power of thinking without thinking”, hope I am quoting this right.
I am going to introduce to my second short story. Ok I have written a few, but I do not consider them something worth publishing. The first one I end up writing was called “Café heart broke” than now I just call it Broken. It is an intriguing story of hearts, failure, success, heroes and despair. I love it and it is close to my heart, I wrote it back in 2003, so you can understand what kind of mood and genre it may fall.
The story, I had in mind is right now is immature, I am not sure who to portray it. It is called “Dusht”. It starts somewhere and ends nowhere that what right now I am not able to pick. Devil, never know he is devil, it’s in his nature to be like that. He is discarded, fended off and destroyed by those, who know he is devil. He fools himself to believe he is no devil, he fools the others he is not devil, in the end he do what a devil do.
Devil is not the right word, but the word should be mischievous sprite. I may right this soon, just let me strike that perfect chord and he is going to be visible.
If it had been you,
I would have known the existence,
If it had been me,
I would have known the purpose,
But I know him to be Dusht,
No purpose no existence,
He knows disruption and disconcert
3 circles, one center,
Same area, different perimeter…………….
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