Last 3 or 4 days have been very hard for an average Indian. We were under attack from an unseen enemy, who is deadliest of all and motivated to humiliate you. How we are retaliating to this is even a sadder story. Blame game, polotics and cover ups, we the common men will be fooled again.
I read an article in Indian Express at the time of Parliament attact, where the author highlighted the INDIAN RESILIENCE, I was in college doing Engineering in Mechanical stream, never able to understand the concept of metal resilience and all my concepts were cleared in 800 words of this news article. We Indians have a tendency to return to our earlier state in no time, and contrary to metals here the Energy that is generated in going to higher state is not dissipated but it vanishes against all laws of physics. We are ready to count the body bags, honour the martyrs for few days, but not ready to confront our enemy. May be like the entire past instances, we will forget this and will return to our normal lives. For how long it will go, we at our home are terrorized by an unseen enemy.
Why can not we go after this enemy and hunt it down. I will be made to understand by People of Greater mind, no extremes measure can be taken, we can not be a country at war, Economic growth is not to be halted, focus can not be diverted by chasing a shadow, and we from now will do our best to avoid such things from happening. This time this common man, would not keep his mouth shut, atleast I need answer who my enemy is? What wrong I have done to him, that he comes to my home to kill me? If level of animosity is this great, we should kill all his tribe, before he kills ours.
A Wednesday, is going to happen, if our representatives keep on faltering like this. Our honorable Prime Minister in his address looks too soft to control the command. He may never have shouted on his wife, his children, his students, his peers and now he is supposed to grab his neighbor from his collar and ask Boss no garbage in my back yard? Home Minister, he is so courteous enough that may address all these ultras as Mr.Terrorist, may I know why you come to India any inconvenience you may have caused on your way.Mr. Mukherjee did at least a better job, must be forced to do this, coz other are always thinking of a Nobel Peace prize (Atal Ji really made a mockery of us for this prize when, Operation Parakram must have been carried to last).Other politicians I don’t even want to talk about, they don’t know the dynamics at this level, they are good enough to click pictures with NSG or to claim the martyrs was from there states.
Media, media, media, it has been a mixed bag. Some where sensitive, some where SANSANIKHEEJ, but more or less it has done a great job. Through its eye we have seen what a gruesome account of human massacre was. The debates going on channels have ranged from being relevant to just being time fillers. Stop asking politicians there views, I was shocked to get SMS from people talking about NORTH INDIAN and Raj Thackery.You are the one who can show the nation sentiment, nations drive to be proud again, then be ashamed of what all has happened.
We have shown resistant to English, in a way never seen before in history, we have faced invasions,attacks,calmities in our long history but never been pitched against an Unseen Enemy. They are handful, most of them live across the border, a few of there patrons may be in our land also. (Ashamed from or I did not saw a single posting in news where Kashmiri separatist have condemned the horrendous act).Across the Border situation is even worse, they raised a mad dog all there life, now it just starting biting and killing its own family. They are lagging behind now in every front, youth even educated have more chances of being mislead on the path of distruction.Neighbour start keeping your children engaged in work, don’t let them throw stone son on our window pane. Once ignored, twice is not al all acceptable. Please watch KHUDA KEY LIYE, and tell your family, it is not a movie, but reality of PAKISTAN.
Uncle Sam, war or terror is now justified, if they want to go deep into PAKISTAN, support them, if it is possible go with them. We have a common enemy that can not be seen, that is not heard till it strikes you hard. In war tough decisions are to be taken, few more people die, but the stability that comes in years is worth for.
I am a common man, wanted to be heared,wanted to be counted for, want some accountability, want to be proud again, want to know my UNSEEN ENEMY, we wont take it any more.Battlefiled Home, we will have new Guards if old one are no good. We have heroes every where, we have courage in abundance, what all we want is to adept NO MERCY in our culture and mind set of zero tolerance for the Enemy of the states.
“I wrote coz I felt, that’s the best I can do! It’s now your time too feel”