Sunday, November 16, 2008

I knew there was a land of nevers
A land far far away…
Its road crossed though middle of nowhere
A muddy swamp in the halfway
I and …. Are on our own journey
We will reach there even if sway
We were last drowned in the river of ether
To be floated to the surface of nowhere….
Found the grass of stupidity to graze
I was left alone out of nowhereI don't know hope,
I don't know fearCoz I am out of nowhere
How I now search the land of never
Known has been so far ever
Shall I dare to enter valley of fog
Yes I do.
Know no point of return
Week and months I walked in haze
To one day get a chance to step to the land of nevers
At last, here I am….A land not known, not dreamt, not seen…
Now I know why its called….Land of nevers
I will be the only one to know what's the land of nevers…
Don't you want to know the land of nevers…


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

dude you can write better,,,,work hard

Saurabh Sharma said...

Well begun is half-done..great start anuj...true to the spirit of this blog !!

Anonymous said...


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