Jean Jacques Rousseau (hope i have got the spellings right) said famously "Man is born free, Yet he is in shackles everywhere"..Couldnt agree more with him..I have experienced rather suffered time n again coz am in an industry which adores much so that it is enslaved by processes...It is justifiable when u approach 0.1 million ppl and managing this magnitude of bums on the benches becomes an industry in itself..But the infatuation for processes is crazy to say the least..To get one change done calls for a zillion approvals and mails start flying with a lion, an elephant, a fox and a few pigs cc'ed and bcc'ed..It brings me to the question whether "Processes are made for humans...or are Humans made for Processes"..The more observant i become the more i realise that latter is more true...I am no khmer rouge and am not an admirer of lawlessness and chaos..Its just that at times it begins to strangle u too tight and many times it starts bodering on the realms of insanity..The worst part is that pointy haired bosses(refer dilbert for details !!) follow the word of rule rather than the spirit of it..The individual for me is still supreme, it his ideas and not the processes which have changed this world..Total Quality Managment -Six Sigma-ISO XXXX- and all the upcoming fad's have helped organizations save a few millions and there would be data to support...Let someone collect the data on how many more dilberts it has created out of worthy-Thinking engineers..How many good ideas have been strangulated by an infinite loop of processes before they could be nurtured...Why are losses always monetary in nature...Why is bankruptcy always financial..Obviously is the obvious answer am told...But Is there a "Process" somewhere to measure the Intellectual bankruptcy of an organization...there is no data to support and there wont ever be...figures have always got better of me.."I"nformation-Technology and "I"nnovation have an "I" in common and it ends there..The reason being "I"nnovation & "I"deas never had much in common with "P" of i generalising way too much? i making a mountain out of mole? my inexperience getting to my head?..Perhaps experience would turn me into a Cubicle obsessed Zombie one not-so-fine day...And i Would accept everything that would come my way..till then I would love to think and not tread the line...
Wlcome to the party.....
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More of us here and we will be changing the tides...
hi wordz
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