Monday, January 12, 2009

Dusty roads and flashy lights,
Strange combinations I have for the season,
Got to feel the winds,
Dust and rays are coming together,
Mid day light is what I am looking for,
Dust settle and ray are pure for the moment,
Wind and I will talk, it is silence in,
We conspire in this silence to rule,
To rule not with power not with money,
To rule with chaos and confusion,
Mid day last for minutes, it is all back,
Dusty roads and flashy lights,
Strange combinations I have for the season,
We had conspired in,
But doesn’t know on whose side we are,
Wind has his own game,
She cheats me, dust and light,
For minutes she flew backward and then stops,
Who cares now?
We too have taken to silence,
Dusty roads and flashy lights and silent me,
Strange combinations I have for the season,

………………………………………………………………..this is neither poetry nor internal it is a full end blank, it is abstract………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


west said...

Even i do not know waht all i have written.......

it means nothing and means a lot..

when such thinng happen you should not use your brain and jus compliment the best man you know..

kiddding like never

shivani said...

: )))))))))))))

complicated.... yet simple..........

Sakshee said...

the only image i had in my mind while readin through was... a guy shabbily dressed walkin through an autumn road with sand and wind blowing...sheesh dude u amaze me at timezzz

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