0 comments Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I was thinking what I shall write. It has been days and I have nothing in my head that is burning.

This is a story of two Sadhus (reverends) who were roaming around the country. They come to stop in a village and asked for one night shelter. The elder looking of two sadhus has a long beard while the young looking sadhu had a trimmed beard. The elder sadhu was getting more attention and care in comparison to the younger. Younger one could not tolerate this and asked the elder “why these people are acknowledging you and not caring for me like you”. The elder sadhu told it is the length of your beard, it is not compelling.

One year later, both sadhus again started their roaming expedition. Now they had equal grown beard, but when they entered the first village to take shelter, it was the same story. The elder sadhu was given more attention and care. Younger one again asked “Why this happening now, I have beard of same length”. The elder sadhu told it is the black color of your beard that is not compelling, I have a white beard.

Three year later, they again started the journey but the results were the same. Elder sadhu got all the attention, Younger one was confused again. He asked his fellow traveler, now what is the reason. The elder one told, it is my hump in back, that makes me get all this. You still not compelling.

Five year later, the elder sadhu has died off old age and the younger one has started his journey alone. He still did not have the attention and care as his fellow master did. He was in distress and returned back to his place, where he found people flocked in hundred to pay homage to the elder sadhu.

System of belief sets in once but it is never broken, how hard you try!!

1 comments Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Castle of fool, Made in medieval style,

With impenetrable walls, and entry for all,

Dungeon for all wise owls, for pet a flying lizard,

Princess sleeping in the leaning tower,

Unfortunately all frogs gone in wizards cooking bowl,

Royal jester sent to villages to collect taxes,

And his highness finding his court of people,

1 comments Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Why we are trying for something so illusive,Bch_Bduc_solitude

Which we have already found but not realized,

Searching in wilderness, abandoning the home,

Making headlines, not reading the news,

Talking about life, crushing ants under feet,

Discovering a wheel, when had flown across in a zeppelin,

Talking global warming, when no monsoon in soil,

Standing in sugarcane field, still feeling bitter,

Sitting in solitude, drums beating in head,

Making new acquaintances, leaving self behind,

Preaching for freedom, being tangled in matter,

Why we are trying for something so illusive,

Which we have already found but not realized,


Rose in one hand, birds playing music around,

Flower wavering in romantic mood, butterfly adding colors,

Setting it in a garden, water flowing across the stream,

He knell down and practice hard,

Say it loud and clear, it’s us flower, birds and butterfly,

Who is going to listen to your heart!

Fumbles for words and loosing breath,

At last he says it tenderly and shyly,

I love you!!

No good, we all exclaimed no good till it’s her in real,

Before he can hide, wind pushed him down the hill,

Rose in one hand, car noise around,

Wet clothes wavering on ropes, dogs barking, cars drifting,

Setting in busy locals, everybody running for cover,

Say it loud and clear, it’s her the gal you loved all these time,

Who is going to listen to your heart!

He knelled down as practiced,

But what’s that she ignored him!

He got full mouthed with words, picking up the breath,

At last he says it loudly and clearly,

I love you!!

She turned around to see his blushing face,

She grabbed the rose, before he could have hid it,

We all witnessed, the moments,

Bird, car, butterfly, flower, dog, wind, clothes all stood witness!!

2 comments Monday, September 14, 2009

Will a self proclaimed prophet, garner respect?

He won’t. He is not looking for the same, He is looking for confrontation, he is looking too be shaken up in his beliefs.

Never mind, this is just a monologue of an active mind. Indians have always been plagued by humbleness, wished I too had this disease in all circumstances.

I am writing this to elaborate the need of a H being to believe in himself of his superiority over the others. It can be in form of racial supremacy, intellectual, strength, genetically, …..you think it and you have it.

I won’t sound complex but phrase it in a manner which is understandable to all. One come and give you feedback" Anuj has loads of attitude, he do not listen to anyone, do whatever he thinks?” This may result in situation that is quite similar to mid life crisis. In place of believing in your superior authority over world, you question your being and bend to the rule & end up working as a team man.

I was never a good team man, as I always have some more thoughts than other for things, but I sounded a good team man, as I was least interested in team affairs and was more concerned about where I bat or what I get. This was going to change one day.

I was even a worst team captain, I was motivated to win and was always more tactful, never able to understand the act of favoritism and having camps of followers. I was left disillusioned for ever, after people rebelled and did not accept me. This was going to change one day.

I was made to take up the so called middle path, I read about Ayn Rand' philosophy at the wrong time of life, I was left more in lurch.

I was neither this nor that. The whole idea of supremacy and intimation has taken back seat; it was now about being acceptable.
Rules were set where you can always be good, but never can be great.
I had left all reasoning and interpreted the meaning of Che saying as applicable “Let the world change you, so that can change the world". The first part is done in plenty, second part never took off.

Well, Still I can not be the Vegetable as I was always a solid non conformist.

I am still trying to be this and than that too. It leaves me confused and agitated, but I think this lead me to be the best subject to study the two theories of existence.

This is a monologue, it can go till eternity. I put a closure to it and leave it to you guys to deliver one of yours monologue soon.

3 comments Saturday, September 12, 2009

Guys I am intoxicated……..My intellect is driven by fluids drawn out of OH products..

tAKe this for supplement in dinner tonight…

Thin line between sanity and insanity is measured neither in inches nor in meter,

It has to be measured in length of your stupidity?

Normal things you do in life are supposed to be sane,

Abnormal things you do in life are supposed to be insane,

Then how does stupidity come into question,

Stupidity is never encouraged, as it has a brain of own,

That’s what one guy told my teacher in school,

If a coconut would have fallen on Newton’s head we would have been lucky,

He threw him out, and I think he was right; coconut would have broken his skull,

That guy ended to be an acclaimed director, and my teacher died as a teacher,

And yes I become run of a mill product, studying, working and living with you,

I too did questioned it till today, memorizing all those Newton’s law in what way helped me in life...

Even Newton would not have been able to frame those laws, if he was not stupid,

Did they ever write in text, why Archimedes runs naked?

He never knew the thin line between sanity and insanity?

I am all out for insanity, but do get scared by degrees of it?

You need to be in this line of divider and then on that side,

We got this odd thing running, assuming people will love to be what they are for real,

I had more odds and never seen even, coz I believed in insanity,

May be never dared to ask my teacher those stupid questions,

But kept a few of them with me, to end up writing this blank…

More I write, insaner I sound…It is not a restricted world.

Odds are equal on both sides; it is you who live on either side….

Cheers to all those who had been fortunate to be stupid in life…!!!

0 comments Thursday, September 10, 2009

A modern day fable.

There was a car mechanic, who used to work day and night with passion and love. He has gained lots of repute and acquaintance in all these years. He always used to stress to everyone who come across the importance of shinning metal. Due to some strange reason he had accumulated all rusted spare in his back yard from all these years. No one knew the reason why he did that?

He had a son, whom he raised with care and affection. One day, the boy turned into a fine young man. He did not become an engineer as his father dreamed off but showed lots of potentials with nuts and bolts in his father workshop. His father too told him the importance of shinning metal. Both man worked hard and their work got acknowledged across the land. Soon they had people working under them and the workshop was too small for daily operation.

Boy come to father, with the suggestion to sell off all the rusty crap his father had accumulated in years. The old man showed his reluctance, but the boy argued with the importance of shinning metal. Who cares for rust? Old men did not give any reason for accumulating rusted metal. He did not turned to work next day and left to his son to deal with the day to day affairs.

His son sold off, all the junk and had a new section drawn to service cars. His work grew in first, but after sometime it was stagnant and showed sign of dwindling. On the other side his old man, fared badly in home. He was so weak and pale now; people from old would not have recognized him. His son worked it out; the workshop was working not coz of him but trust of people in his father’s work. He requested and pleaded his father to come back and help him out. Father in love of his son; come back, but the improvement in work of the shop improved only for days. Old man was not the person which he used to be. People start talking that the magic of old man and his shop has vanished. It was a downslide for days.

Boy did not figure out, what happened to his old man, the guy who worked all these years here in this shop with passion is not interested in his work anymore. He knew he was still too young to run the show. He knew of one person who can answer his question. She was his mother, the person who had known his father for years. He told her what all happened in last few months. The women had known his husband so well, that she figured it out what went wrong. She told her son what to do the next day.

When the old man comes to the shop next day, he saw the new section of the shop being dismantled and his collection of rust being in place. His son was lucky to find the collection before it would have been melted down. He inspected the lot and nodded to himself. In few days the old man was back to his magic and the shop has got all his business back. Old man told his boy the importance of shinning metal.

Boy was so confused that he made his mind to ask him mother for all this happening around. The lady put it in few lines “Never take form a man, his motive to live, your old man has lived all these years to enrich his collection of rust. You did not give away rust but his motive to live. You get it back; he got the reason to work. Your old man always told the importance of shinning metal, but never talk about rust, thinking you will figure it out on own”.

Boy like me got some part of the explanation and started working on the importance of shinning metal. Foolhardy, we think about rust.

1 comments Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The sensation of sun, as felt on the green fields of total freedom,north-pole-sun-moon

The numbness of moon, as felt on the barren fields of total slavery,

No contrast what so ever,

I am hovering with my friend wind, from her day to his night,

When wind is not with me, than I hop at my place of existence,

I am the idle king of ideal kingdom,

I had seen green, I had seen barren, I been free, I been slave,

The sun has burned me; the moon has soothed me,

But I got freedom with him; I got slavery with her,sun-moon-meshed

No contrast what so ever,

Winds do not have any band; it just gets the same treatment,

It is been like this for ages, I envy wind, Wind proud me,

Our friendship is perfect, no reactions are consistent,

No contrast what so ever,

The sensation of sun, as felt on the green fields of total freedom,

The numbness of moon, as felt on the barren fields of total slavery,

No contrast what so ever

1 comments Tuesday, September 8, 2009

There was one boy, who had been a runaway,

He saw this land, that sea, even before he was 18,

Rusty and polished folks asked alike,

You got mother and father, still you been a runaway,

The boy give them a smile and moved to the new land and unknown sea,

One day his kafila reached the city next to his own,

The boy grew restless and sleepless, going into a hiding,

Wanted to meet mother, but cannot he was a runaway,

Master got to knew of his best worker belonged to the next city,

Called him up to ask what all he can trade,

The boy answered him to buy some mud pots,

That was not his master expected, to buy from so far land,

He asked the boy, what good it will be to him,

It will help, someone’s family to live through one more winter,

May be his next few sons will be able to stay,

Master not had money but kindness and wisdom par the best,

He knew what the boy had done for his family,

He gave the boy five shillings and task to stay back this winter in this city,

Bring him the finest pots baked in winter furnace, by next summer,

Few grew detractor of his lords’ benevolence,

Few more grew supporter of his foresightedness in saving the potter and his trade,

City developed into finest exporter of pots,

Master made profit unparallel to anyone in the medieval world,

Boy and his family lived happily ever after !!!!

2 comments Monday, September 7, 2009

Keeping up with my promise of 1 blank a day.
The last Blank was little meaningless, today I make up for that.


7:10 am The voice that echoed in my head,
Are you crazy, waking up so early, to go to office.
No I am not; I slept for 10 more minutes.

11:00 am The voice that echoed in my head,
Are you crazy, working on something relentlessly, you do not like.
No I am not; I stopped working for 30 minutes.

06:00 pm the voice that echoed in my head,
Are you crazy, not leaving for home, everyone has already left.
No I am not,I took a tea break to calm myself down.

09:00 pm the voice that echoed in my head,
Are you crazy, will you eat this stale food, you worked hard to earn it,
No I am not; I ate maggi noodles after 10 min.

12:00 pm The voice that echoed in my head,
Are you crazy, how many times will you watch this movie again and again,
No I am not; I took my sleeping pills for the night.

02:00 am The voice that echoed in my head,
Are you crazy, how can you deserve to have such a beautiful dream,
No I am not; I wake up, to cry for 10 minutes.

2 comments Saturday, September 5, 2009

No one knows, how could I be the one who got to wining her heart!

It is season, where every body listen to the others heart!!heart-on-fire

I do not mind! If its she who confess to me, for her heart!!

I do love her, but I never wanted to talk to her about my state of my heart!!

I can never see how it feels to, be with heart or with no heart!!

I do not mind, as I do not remember for her heart!!

I listen to my own mind, what has it has to do with her heart!!

Soon it will be December, too cold for some one to remember any heart!!

It is too cold, for any one to distinguish any ones heart !!



One can control production, but cannot control the creativity. Right now, I had one aim to burn 100 blanks at a rate of one per day and come up with a collection of a PoD for review.


I heard now peace was the talk of the town,

It’s said peace has comes back after years of turmoil,

Thousand died, more vanished in years of hate,

Tears still reveals out of windows,

Cry still snoop out of doors,

No daggers, no knives in street,

Just those patrolling guns and tanks,

Seems no one left to be killed,

Is this peace or a wait for the next legion to ripe in hate?

Who is killing whom? No one remember,

Who perished, who flourished?

Who got victory, who got defeated?

Mothers, fathers sons, daughters, wives, children lost relations,

Generals got salute now from one legged commanders,

Land won is no good, where are the men to plough,

They died in abundance from any side,

I pity myself, if you do not hear any uproar,

It is made to be peace has come to town,

It can be talk of town, but it can never be part of your life?

1 comments Thursday, September 3, 2009

What I have today, is what I will have tomorrow,

I got peace, I got love, and I got you!

I am too content to be looking around,

I got peace, I got love, and I got you!

I will have same winter, same summer, same autumn, year after year,

I got peace, I got love, and I got you!

I am too far away to have troubles and bursting thoughts,

I got peace, I got love, and I got you!

Sitting in heaven, looking back on earth with her,

I got peace, I got love, and I got you!

1 comments Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I am not expressive!!Let this be a note I missed.



It has been a long day, I did not reach you.

I had to be a worried man, I did not reach you.

I had no experience of missing you,

I had one expression when I am missing you,

I know you missed me more than I missed you,

I know you be back soon, I am trying best to reach you.


Why do birds fly? It is as simple, as they got wings!
But there was this bird called Do, Who can not fly,
He had so much weight, he can never had a flight,
He told all other birds, it is not good to fly,
No one took to his words, till one day he got his act alive,
Is not he the only bird who can not fly?
He had uniqueness, when all birds that got wings can fly,
Soon, he got more with his kind of uniqueness, who can not fly,
They grew in number fast, till few birds were left with wings that can fly,
Do had got all to weight equal or more, so now no one can fly,
Do has a brother called Ho who knew why he cannot fly,
Ho now knew, why all these birds can not fly,
There feather started to shed, that led them to panic a bit,
Do told them all, it is good to have limbs with no feather, when you need not to fly,
Ho can not took it any longer, a whole race giving up flying,
Ho asked all the birds, what has made thy race till now so high,
They all had got wings and lots of air to fly,
They were unique as animals with four legs can never fly like them,
He told the story when birds who can not fly, were eaten up by reptiles.

It did the trick, all got there wings fluttering,
Do saw thousand heavy weight birds flying, not so high, but still flying,
Ho come to his brother and pushed him form the cliff,
The lazy Do too flipped some wings muscle and he to got to fly,
So there is never a bird that can not fly,
If you got wings, you all can fly!!

For the spirit of flying!! It doesn’t matter it is high or low, but matter you fly!!

3 comments Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It has been a long hiatus; I have been long away from WAO. I would like to write something about faith. So, have confidence in me and trust in each word I am going to pen down here tonight.

You all may have heard a lot from me about my dear friend Chika. He had a remarkable experience lately, which he shared across with me over the last few days resulting in me staying away from activities in WAO. He asked to have faith in him, only condition before he would share his experience. I supposed it was a stupid remark from him; I had always been his faithful ally in all him adventures, but may be this was a solo act.

Chika told me, he fell in love with a beautiful Aryan (I am sure he did not asked the gal from where she is) girl few months back. He also convinced the gal has also the same mutual feelings for him; thou they had talked once only, commuting in a local train (must have stepped on her toe or something). Well, I had always underestimated him, but he had been known as a lady killer Jung Bhadur in college days. He proved his theory by telling me that every day she boarded the same train as he did ( Co incidence never happen in such kind of love) and what else, the day Chika end up not boarding the 9 o clock local, he found her also in the 9:15 local. It was her intention to be along with him than a mere co incidence, as I would have thought.

I am man who has always beloved in the power of eyes; they end up always catching the truth and always not ending up hiding a lie. He described her eye as he was poet par excellence Sahir or Manzoor. I was impressed, he had never seen an eye as big this before other than that of his cow (excuse me, she really had big beautiful eye, I can confirm for the cow at least). The way she flickered her eye, it just reminded him of that study lamp that never come alive. (Even I did not get what does this meant, but it’s that thing called love).

I asked him, Chika yaar this is nothing extraordinary as per your standard, the crush for the Burka clad woman and that nun in school still holds above this. Chika come back to me with his legendary re say “ yaar, this time it is true love”. I would have laughed, if it had been someone else, but Chika’s innocent face said a lot.

It still had no elements of extraordinary, Chika revealed little more. The gal stop coming to station a fortnight ago( stalker I said). Chika told me he waited for her for few more days but no sign of her in any of the 24 locals plying on that route. ( Hmm, Chika bhai, had always had severe heart ache). Chika told me,he stopped coming to station after third day. It was a long day, when he end up seeing her face in a hindi newspaper at a barber shop. Now I am getting convinced something extra will be dished. The newspaper told about a gal being killed in a train accident. Hey guys, that was not all, the newspaper was an year old one.( I did asked Chika, but cannot be as forceful, till I broke the oath of faith). He reasoned me, that people die in train accident and he saw her, in the exact place where she died.

So Chika in love with a ghost (This can be rated extraordinary, but hold on people, loads of extra is still to be unleashed). He now started me telling his pursuit for her love. (I left Chika alone for 3 months and he ended up being nuts). He put into practice the technique he has learned from a Sanyasi in himalayas. He can hold on to his sleep till the point he is in trance to NEVER EVER. (He can sleep in 5 min into a science lecture, I wonder how many time he had been to NEVER EVER). No question asked, as the oath is silver. He was in NEVER EVER and saw her love being excluded in the parade of lovers happening there. Before he approach her, he confronted the organizer, why she not in the parade. The parade had legends from Heer Ranjha, Romeo Juliet, Rahul Tina & Anjali, Rohit and Dev and let me put short all kind of pair in love. Organizer did not allowed, stag entry. (Man, by now I had understood what this story is all about, you all have to wait).In few more minutes he has jeopardized the whole procession for not letting him or her love invited. He told me organizer was pissed at him for gate crashing in at this place and his gal was excluded as she did not have those tapping feet. That kind of insult and discrimination and that too in NEVER EVER, Chika was not going to give up. I asked him what about the gal. Chika has again given a sorry face. What else nothing is left in this story. Chika told me, his action took the centre stage and all started staring at him. This was enough for Rahul to slip from clutches of Tina and Anajali and impress my lass. The moment I turned she was too the part of parade and I was pushed back from NEVER EVER. Next Chika, found himself was sleeping and roaring in Deans class. Rest I know, he ate my head for a week with this absurd story. I had to trust him and you have to trust me.

So moral of the story is, If you plan to go to a disc always take your best pal with you, even he had no gal with him, ideally get him a nice lass for company, else he will make you realize it in some strange ways.

I am proud of you Chika, you never let me down, I may let you down sometime.

Friends will be friends till the very end…………………….Mercury