Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The sensation of sun, as felt on the green fields of total freedom,north-pole-sun-moon

The numbness of moon, as felt on the barren fields of total slavery,

No contrast what so ever,

I am hovering with my friend wind, from her day to his night,

When wind is not with me, than I hop at my place of existence,

I am the idle king of ideal kingdom,

I had seen green, I had seen barren, I been free, I been slave,

The sun has burned me; the moon has soothed me,

But I got freedom with him; I got slavery with her,sun-moon-meshed

No contrast what so ever,

Winds do not have any band; it just gets the same treatment,

It is been like this for ages, I envy wind, Wind proud me,

Our friendship is perfect, no reactions are consistent,

No contrast what so ever,

The sensation of sun, as felt on the green fields of total freedom,

The numbness of moon, as felt on the barren fields of total slavery,

No contrast what so ever


shivani said...

hmmmm i din get it totally hehehehehehehehehe

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