Thursday, September 10, 2009

A modern day fable.

There was a car mechanic, who used to work day and night with passion and love. He has gained lots of repute and acquaintance in all these years. He always used to stress to everyone who come across the importance of shinning metal. Due to some strange reason he had accumulated all rusted spare in his back yard from all these years. No one knew the reason why he did that?

He had a son, whom he raised with care and affection. One day, the boy turned into a fine young man. He did not become an engineer as his father dreamed off but showed lots of potentials with nuts and bolts in his father workshop. His father too told him the importance of shinning metal. Both man worked hard and their work got acknowledged across the land. Soon they had people working under them and the workshop was too small for daily operation.

Boy come to father, with the suggestion to sell off all the rusty crap his father had accumulated in years. The old man showed his reluctance, but the boy argued with the importance of shinning metal. Who cares for rust? Old men did not give any reason for accumulating rusted metal. He did not turned to work next day and left to his son to deal with the day to day affairs.

His son sold off, all the junk and had a new section drawn to service cars. His work grew in first, but after sometime it was stagnant and showed sign of dwindling. On the other side his old man, fared badly in home. He was so weak and pale now; people from old would not have recognized him. His son worked it out; the workshop was working not coz of him but trust of people in his father’s work. He requested and pleaded his father to come back and help him out. Father in love of his son; come back, but the improvement in work of the shop improved only for days. Old man was not the person which he used to be. People start talking that the magic of old man and his shop has vanished. It was a downslide for days.

Boy did not figure out, what happened to his old man, the guy who worked all these years here in this shop with passion is not interested in his work anymore. He knew he was still too young to run the show. He knew of one person who can answer his question. She was his mother, the person who had known his father for years. He told her what all happened in last few months. The women had known his husband so well, that she figured it out what went wrong. She told her son what to do the next day.

When the old man comes to the shop next day, he saw the new section of the shop being dismantled and his collection of rust being in place. His son was lucky to find the collection before it would have been melted down. He inspected the lot and nodded to himself. In few days the old man was back to his magic and the shop has got all his business back. Old man told his boy the importance of shinning metal.

Boy was so confused that he made his mind to ask him mother for all this happening around. The lady put it in few lines “Never take form a man, his motive to live, your old man has lived all these years to enrich his collection of rust. You did not give away rust but his motive to live. You get it back; he got the reason to work. Your old man always told the importance of shinning metal, but never talk about rust, thinking you will figure it out on own”.

Boy like me got some part of the explanation and started working on the importance of shinning metal. Foolhardy, we think about rust.


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