Thanks a lot Saurabh, your view kept me thinking whole day. You are absolutely right it should not sound like utube or any other such site. So most important for us is to get it differentiated as a talent portal and for that we need needles to be pricked into cube by potential talent hunters.
Well as we originated this idea around entertainment or such fields where it get difficult to showcase the talent and get noticed. I think what Saurabh’s point here is our major concern should be how we make the talent hunters ( channels, agencies, theater groups, who so ever they may be) took interest in this project.
Well I see three approach to this :-
Direct one, where channels come up as partner of portal and use this concept of hunting across. For e.g. out of the 25 contestant at Indian Idol, 5 of them are thru the portal. Or they are advertise or are sponsor on the site. May be if they are smart a good part of their live program footage come thru online venture; something on line the most funny video’s etc.
Indirect path, as highlighted by Saurabh, we had a fire storm between the talents and whatever is brewed from music to story we have takers for them from industry.
A mixed approach, where all this forms a part, where the development happening on portal is directly reflected on the TV channel. Little complex but it is what we would love the most to develop.
My concerns are more here to the whole concept now , we need to make a cube which is spelled as KUBE. Video is the best form to showcase talent but it should not be the only form. We may need to encourage all form of creativity and best attempt from our side should be to get them categorized. Talent and certain skills cannot be raised in IIT’s and IIM’s they are inherent and some time even rare. Video is one of the windows into the Kube and we should look for more than videos and rooms, as I had reservation for video and its adaptability if we are not able to get results instantaneously.
Yes, the bandwidth offered to Indians do not encourage heavy uploads in India so far. But only thing that make us believe is when we see long queue outside talent show auditions , we see contestant cry when they do not get a chance even to perform once in front of judges. And worst of all is when after getting a chance they are not able to perform because it was one of that bad days. We are really concerned about such people.
First thing we learned in college was about diversification, I think here is the time to use it (not exactly in management term but literal term). We need to think about what else a talent HUNTING portal should have and what all form of sharing your talent and concept can be there. Most of imperative we may build the jungle and had all animals there but no hunters.
I think, if I stick to the last post of mine, we need to know the edges and video is one of the interface here. It will be the most popular one but it has certain limitations too. Videos or something is already uploaded in there, people watching it, but no one is seriously making business out of it. We can have edge if we do things in a controlled environment than in a free environment on sites like utube or other. At end of the day we will be serving to the hunters and it should be in a format they can consume. May be if we are talking about video’s they should not be more than 3 min and be direct acts than spoofs.
I stop here because I need more feed else it won’t have the focus which we desire for.
Hey, what you say we start the site with the first contest on it “ Sabsa bada Ashuiq kaun?”. We have a sub idea which is a winner itself, so we should not be apprehensive about the content drawing part only thing is getting hunters too in the game.